ACT recently announced some exciting changes to the test. These enhancements are designed to improve the testing experience while providing more choice and flexibility for students.
Shorter Test
The new ACT will be just 2 hours long and have 44 fewer questions.
More Time Per Question
Students will have more time to answer each question.
Shorter Passages
The reading and English sections will include some shorter passages.
Optional Science and writing
The science section will be optional, just like the writing section.
Paper and Online Testing
Students will still have the choice to take the test on paper or online.
Test Innovators has helped hundreds of thousands of students succeed on test day. We specialize in personalized, flexible ACT practice, designed to help you develop your skills and showcase your strengths.
We will be updating our ACT materials to align with the new test. Sign up to be the first to learn about our new ACT practice materials!