SSAT Accommodations

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SSAT Accommodations

Yes, you can get accommodations on the official SSAT exam! Score reports do not provide any indication that a student was provided testing accommodations, so there’s no reason not to use them if you are eligible. Here’s how it works:

1. Apply for testing accommodations Testing accommodations must be approved BEFORE you register for the test. You must register for accommodations online, and will have to provide additional documentation if your student does not have an IEP, 504 Plan, or other documentation from their school.

2. Receive approval for testing accommodations The SSAT Board takes up to two weeks to review and process the request for testing accommodations.

3. Register at a test site that offers testing accommodations Not all test sites offer accommodations. Make sure to register for the official exam as early as possible, as the test sites you need may fill up in advance of the test registration deadlines. You can find testing centers here.

Accommodations expire after one testing season (August 1st to July 31st), so even if you have taken the exam previously with accommodations you may have to register again. However, no additional request is required to test again in the same testing season.

The most common type of accommodation on the SSAT is 50% more time. Our practice tests are unique in that they offer students feedback on timing, and students who plan to take the test with accommodations can add extra time to the online tests for an accurate test simulation.

More information about SSAT accommodations can be found on the official SSAT Board website.

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