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How Normative Testing Works (& Why You Should Prepare)
This infographic explains what normative testing is, and how this type of scoring can affect your applications.
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Time management is one of the keys to success on the ISEE/SSAT. Attempting timed sections can be less daunting with our simple time management strategy:
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The Impact of Test Practice: A Data Study
In 2020, ERB and Test Innovators partnered with the goal of leveling the playing field for all ISEE test takers. The partnership provides every student with access to high-quality test practice, which reduces anxiety and increases confidence through familiarization and learning. In order to assess the impact the partnership has...
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In this series of posts, we will explore some of our practice questions that have stumped a remarkable number of students. We hope to highlight some common mistakes and how to avoid them on the official test.
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Test Innovators tutors are here to help your student succeed. Our tutors provide test prep, academic support or enrichment, and everything in between.
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The day before the test, relax, read a book, get some exercise, and get plenty of sleep. In fact, you should prioritize sleep the entire week before the test as those earlier nights’ sleep will be critical. On the morning of the test, wake up with ample time to eat a...
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One of the most common mistakes that students make on the SSAT and ISEE is not reading the directions and questions carefully. While the sentence instructions may seem self-explanatory, they actually provide important information about how to approach the questions in that section. At the beginning of every section of...
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How Long Are My ISEE Scores Valid?
When you apply to independent schools, it’s important to make sure that the ISEE scores you submit are valid. If it’s been some time since you took the ISEE, then you may be unsure if you can use those scores or if you need to retake the exam. Keep reading...
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Tip of the Week: How to Use the Personalized Prep Plan
The Prep Plan is one of the best places to see the targeted practice exercises you should be working on. You can access the Prep Plan by clicking on the tab on your Dashboard. Here are some insights into using the Prep Plan to help you succeed:
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ISEE Vocabulary: How to Ace the Verbal Reasoning Section
The Verbal Reasoning Section of the ISEE includes two types of questions: synonym questions and sentence completion questions. Both types of questions require a strong vocabulary, so the best way to prepare is to learn as many new words as possible. The most effective way to expand your vocabulary is to...
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