Did you know there are over 300 boarding schools in the US? In fact, over 25 are scattered throughout California alone. Today’s boarding schools exude a college campus atmosphere that welcomes students from all over the world to study and learn in a supportive environment. Given the nature of dorm life, the boarding experience provides opportunities simply not available at public or day schools. These are dynamic, student-centered communities that encourage and celebrate holistic student growth and development. Students and families can expect to find challenging academics, plentiful arts and athletics offerings, and a supervised, structured student life experience.
Learn about the potential benefits of boarding school from this interesting post Why Boarding School? from BoardingSchoolReview.com. Boarding schools typically require the SSAT but the ISEE is used as well. Always check the school’s website to confirm which test is required.
When you apply to independent schools, it’s important to make sure that the ISEE scores you submit are valid. If it’s been some time since you took the ISEE, then you may be unsure if you can use those scores or if you need to retake the exam. Keep reading...
The Upper Level ISEE is taken by students applying to grades 9-12. The test is administered both on the computer and on paper. It consists of five sections: Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, Reading Comprehension, Mathematics Achievement, and the Essay.
When it comes to preparing for an entrance exam, it can be easy to procrastinate because of all the other things you have to do for your applications. Giving yourself enough time to study will not only boost your performance and confidence, it will also help you retain information for...
Even though the ISEE and SSAT are long tests, the time can fly by! Maybe you struggle with running out of time on the test, or maybe you feel the pressure of the clock and rush through. Either way, here a few simple tips to help yourself manage your time...
Our ISEE Prep Guide is now available in both online and print format. Use the Prep Guide along with our web-based practice platform, and you'll be well on your way to test success!
Scott Duddy is the Director of Admissions & Enrollment Management at Dexter Southfield School in Brookline, Massachusetts, and brings with him 14 years of professional experience in the world of independent schools.
Test preparation is known to increase performance on high-stakes tests, but how does it help with test anxiety? Research has shown that exposure, habit formation, skills development, and online preparation are all effective methods to reduce test anxiety, and each method is linked to test preparation.
We are pleased to introduce Ryan, one of our 2020 scholars. Ryan’s perseverance and dedication allowed him to increase his SSAT score by 51 percentile points, scoring in the 81st percentile overall.
Since vocabulary is one of the main areas tested on the ISEE and SSAT tests, you will need to learn as many new words as possible before taking the test. While vocabulary questions primarily appear on the verbal section of the test, there are also vocabulary questions on the reading...