Did you know there are over 300 boarding schools in the US? In fact, over 25 are scattered throughout California alone. Today’s boarding schools exude a college campus atmosphere that welcomes students from all over the world to study and learn in a supportive environment. Given the nature of dorm life, the boarding experience provides opportunities simply not available at public or day schools. These are dynamic, student-centered communities that encourage and celebrate holistic student growth and development. Students and families can expect to find challenging academics, plentiful arts and athletics offerings, and a supervised, structured student life experience.
Learn about the potential benefits of boarding school from this interesting post Why Boarding School? from BoardingSchoolReview.com. Boarding schools typically require the SSAT but the ISEE is used as well. Always check the school’s website to confirm which test is required.
Congratulations to Ella, one of our Independent School Tuition Scholars for 2023! Ella was able to increase her SSAT score by 29 percentile points, putting her in the 53rd percentile overall.
Greg Jones is in his 34th year in education. Currently, he’s in his 8th year as Director of Enrollment Management and Admissions at Epiphany School in Seattle.
We’re excited to introduce Daibi, one of our 2023 Independent School Tuition Scholars. Daibi improved his score on the SSAT by 11%, putting him in the 99th percentile overall!
The Middle and Upper Level SSAT have six total sections. Two are unscored: the Writing Sample and the Experimental Section. The other four are scored: the two Quantitative (Math) Sections, the Reading Section, and the Verbal Section.
So you’ve taken the SSAT and received your score report, but what does everything mean? The SSAT score report has two primary measures of performance: scaled scores and percentile scores.
We are excited to introduce Evan, one of our 2021 scholars. Through dedication and hard work, Evan achieved a 98th percentile on the SSAT!
Evan is an avid athlete who has played hockey since kindergarten and more recently picked up tennis. In addition to training for his athletic endeavors, he... Read More
Phillips Exeter Academy is Mason’s dream school. Mason knows everything there is to know about Exeter. All of his heroes are Exeter alumni: his favorite US president is Franklin Pierce, and he has dressed up as author Booth Tarkington for the past three Halloweens.
The Independent School Entrance Exam (ISEE) is an admissions exam used by private and independent schools as part of the admissions process. The ISEE has several levels: Upper, Middle, Lower, and Primary. The level you take depends on what grade you’re applying to, rather than your current grade. The length...