Why Test Innovators Tutoring
Expert Tutors
We are highly selective, and only work with the best. Our tutors specialize in HSPT prep, working with hundreds of students each year on this test.
Interactive, Dynamic Tutoring
Tutors and students use colorful drawing tools to annotate on a shared screen or whiteboard, keeping students engaged with the material.
Flexibility and Accessibility
Online tutoring allows you to meet with your tutor from any location. Our tutors have flexible schedules so you can choose the times that work best for you.
Performance Insights
Tutors review results and data analysis from the Test Innovators platform to determine exactly what each student needs.
Personalized Plans
Our tutors get to know you, and will come up with a personalized plan based on your needs and ongoing performance evaluations.
Recordings for Future Review
All sessions can be recorded and sent to families, allowing parents and students to review the material covered in each session.