Applying to Independent Schools: November Newsletter
Laurie Geromini2024-11-06T16:14:18-08:00Hello! November is a very busy month. Between schoolwork, extracurricular activities, interviews, test prep, and applications, it can be hard to find a spare moment. With this in mind, it’s critical to stay organized so that everything gets done on time.
Here is your November to do list:
- Attend interviews
- Work on applications
- Request letters of recommendation
- Send application forms to current school
- Start financial aid application (if applicable)
- Prepare for and take the ISEE and/or SSAT
Read more below!
Best of luck to you in the busy month ahead. Keep your head up, and remember: you’ve got this!
– Laurie
Director of Placement and Admissions Coaching
November To Do List:
1. Attend interviews.
A good interview is a conversation that is enjoyable for everyone, so try to relax and ask thoughtful questions. Remember that it’s your opportunity to get to know the school just as it’s the school’s opportunity to get to know you. Check out these interview dos and don’ts and individual interview practice sessions for additional support.
2. Work on applications.
Applications contain many components and can be quite time-consuming, so it’s essential to get organized. Always check with the schools you are applying to for application requirements and deadlines. Many schools use common application forms, such as Clarity, Gateway for Prep, Ravenna, SAO, or TABS, but every school is a little different, so it’s important to keep track of what is due when. It’s a good idea to start drafting application essays this month. Writing about yourself can be challenging, which is why we also offer Application Essay Workshops.
3. Request letters of recommendation.
Make sure you give your writers plenty of time to complete their recommendations. As a courtesy, students – not parents – should ask for their letters of recommendation. Additionally, the student should be the one to follow up with thank you notes once the letters have been submitted.
4. Send application forms to your current school.
Some components of the application, such as official transcripts or progress reports, will need to come directly from your current school. Be sure to give the school plenty of time to complete their portion of your applications.
5. Start financial aid application (if applicable).
If you are applying for financial aid, review the due dates and requirements for each school. The deadlines for financial aid applications are not always the same as the deadlines for the general applications. Start to collect the necessary documentation, and prepare to get started on your 2024 taxes as soon as possible. Some schools require a completed tax return before April 15th.
6. Prepare for and take the ISEE and/or SSAT.
It’s best to take the test in November, so that you can test again in December or early January if needed. Remember to wait to send your scores to schools until you’ve had a chance to review them first.
Missed the October newsletter? Catch up here!

Laurie Geromini
Director of Placement and Admissions Coaching
Laurie brings thirty years of independent school admissions and placement experience to Test Innovators. She has served as Director of Admissions, Director of Financial Assistance, and Director of Secondary School Counseling in a variety of K-12 environments, including boarding and day schools.
Originally published on November 4, 2022. Updated on November 6, 2024.