Simulating the official testing experience is a critical part of the preparation process. This helps students mitigate any testing anxiety because they know exactly what to expect, and it helps them practice managing their time on a rigorous exam.
For this reason, we have created online proctor videos so that students can have their own virtual proctor!
We recommend that students find a time that they can sit down and take a full-length practice test (ideally a weekend morning, as that’s the time they’ll be taking the official test!), print out their practice test, pull up their proctor video, and press play. The video proctor will do the rest — give students all the instructions, 5-minute warnings, and stop times for each section.
Make sure you choose the video for the correct level and test. If you will be receiving an accommodation for time and a half on the official test, check out the extended time videos!
Just as with any game or sport, knowing the rules of a standardized test is a cornerstone of success. Students who go into a test without any kind of preparation are at a significant disadvantage: they'll be figuring out those rules as the clock ticks. That's why Eastside Catholic School...
Each year, Test Innovators provides merit-based scholarships to help students access quality educational opportunities. We awarded five scholarships this year to students who demonstrated the most improvement on either the ISEE or the SSAT.
The SSAT is a very competitive test, and having a preparation plan is key to achieving the best scores that you are capable of. Here's our favorite strategy:
Over the summer, we've been poring over the tens of thousands of data points we attained from our ISEE practice test system this year. We were interested to see how students performed by question type, especially when it came to geographic location
Think of the last time you took a big test. What were you thinking about during the test? Did you feel good or bad during the exam? When thinking about the upcoming test, what are your thoughts and feelings about it? Have these thoughts and feelings motivated you to prepare...
When it comes to preparing for an entrance exam, it can be easy to procrastinate because of all the other things you have to do for your applications. Giving yourself enough time to study will not only boost your performance and confidence, it will also help you retain information for...
Meet Kate and Brady
Kate’s son, Brady, recently took the Secondary School Admissions Test (SSAT) in hopes of gaining admission to Lakeside School for 6th grade. Brady is a very strong student, but as for many students, the SSAT was a new challenge for him. To make sure he was best...