Three Reasons Why an ISEE Diagnostic Is Crucial

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Three Reasons Why an ISEE Diagnostic Is Crucial

Most students can tell you all about their favorite subject in school. Some kids love reading and writing stories, while others are enthralled by a perfectly puzzling math question.

These individual preferences can often correlate with a child’s success on certain ISEE sections, but it’s essential to thoroughly assess a student’s skills when it comes to taking the test itself. There’s really no better way to diagnose your child’s strengths and weaknesses than with a full-length ISEE practice test.

Since every student is different, here are some common ways that your child may need to improve before test day:

1. Taking too long on certain questions

It’s easy for even the smartest kids to spend minutes agonizing over a single question. Our online practice tests provide full diagnostic feedback about how long each student took on every single question.

2. Unfamiliarity with question structure

Some of the questions on the ISEE are quite different from those on regular classroom tests. For example, the infamous Quantitative Comparisons on the Middle and Upper Levels are unfamiliar to almost every first-time ISEE-taker. If a student struggles with certain question formats, more practice is the best solution.

3. Rushing through

If your child finishes a section with lots of time to spare, this could be indicative of a bit of sloppiness. It’s always better to do things right the first time than to go back and correct mistakes. Students who miss a lot of easier questions may need to be more careful.

Many kids will encounter one or all of these issues when they take their initial ISEE diagnostic, but that’s okay! The first step to improving performance is to figure out what needs improving.

Check out all of our ISEE practice materials at

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