When to start preparing for the SSAT
Test Innovators2022-06-09T15:10:23-07:00When should you start preparing for the SSAT?
As a general rule, we recommend starting your SSAT prep six to four months before your test date.
So if you are planning to take the test in November, then you should take a diagnostic practice test sometime between May and July. Starting early gives you time to learn unfamiliar content, as well as key test-taking strategies. It also gives you the chance to become familiar with the content and structure of the test in a comfortable environment, which helps mitigate test-related anxiety. It takes time to build the skills you need to maximize your scores, so set yourself up for success by getting started early.
Our data show that the greatest score improvement is associated with long-term preparation with frequent practice testing and consistent study sessions in between. Check out 3 Reasons to Start Studying Now for more information about the benefits of long-term practice.
How do I start preparing for the SSAT?
Get started by taking a full-length SSAT practice test. This diagnostic will serve as the jumping off point for prep. You’ll receive immediate scoring in the context of your target schools, as well as detailed feedback on questions and timing, so you know exactly what you need to work on to reach your SSAT goals.
Although we recommend starting six to four months before your test date, practice at any point is beneficial. So whether you are taking the test eight months from now or tomorrow, now is the time to take a full-length practice test!
Originally published on April 25, 2017. Updated on June 9, 2022.