Applying to Independent Schools: October Newsletter

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Applying to Independent Schools: October Newsletter

Applying to Independent Schools: October Newsletter

Happy October, everyone! 

This month is filled with testing, open houses, admissions interviews, and visits to potential schools. As students begin thinking about their interviews, I wanted to share some insight provided by Nilofer Merchant as she prepared to give her second TED Talk. Merchant is an internationally recognized corporate director, university lecturer, and keynote speaker, but she is not immune to nerves and uncertainty. Merchant found herself displeased with the first TED Talk she gave and spent some time reflecting on how she could make her second one even better.

“Don’t impress, but share. If you ever go on stage to impress, you’ll fail. This was the mistake I made at TEDGlobal. I wanted to be seen as smart and perfect, and so that made me stiff and self-conscious. But what makes someone want to listen to any speaker is about connection – and you get that through sharing your passion, and resonating with people (not talking at them).”

I encourage students to keep Merchant’s lesson in mind as they practice for their own interviews. Remember, you’re looking to connect with the schools that you talk to through authenticity and confidence, not rigid perfection.

Additionally, I recommend reading this NAIS article for more insight into how the school visit and interview can and should impact the decision made by both the school and your family.

Here is your October to do list: 

  1. Continue to learn about schools
  2. Keep working hard in school
  3. Create a test prep study plan
  4. Attend open houses and other admissions events
  5. Write thank you cards to your interviewer(s) 
  6. Keep a journal of your visits and interviews
  7. Create a file system for each school
  8. Start working on applications

Read more below!

You’ll also find some study and interview tips below. I hope you find these resources helpful as you attend school visits and interviews. I wish you the best of luck this October!

– Laurie

Director of Placement and Admissions Coaching

October To Do List:

1. Continue learning about schools

Keep studying websites, reading school publications, and talking with current families to learn as much as you can about these schools.

2. Keep working hard in school

Your grades for this fall/winter are sent along with your applications, so it’s important to continue to do well in school. 

3. Create a test prep study plan

If you have an ISEE, SSAT, or HSPT test date on the horizon, it’s always a good idea to practice beforehand. Regardless of when your test date is, Creating A Test Prep Study Plan will help you create a practice schedule that you can stick to.

4. Attend open houses and other admissions events

Open houses and other events are a great way to get to know a school, and while they’re not mandatory, they do show your interest to the school. 

5. Write thank you cards to your interviewer(s)

Be sure to have your student write a thank you card to their interviewer(s). Cards should be sent no later than one week after the interview. If you have an upcoming interview, learn Why the Interview is Important (And Why It’s Important to Prepare!).

6. Keep a journal of your visits and interviews

After each interaction with a school, take a few minutes to reflect and jot down some notes. These notes will help you when it comes time to make decisions. 

7. Create a file system for each school

As you collect pamphlets, application materials, and journal notes, it’s helpful to keep it all organized by having a separate folder or binder for each school. 

8. Start working on applications

Applications are time consuming, so give yourself ample time to complete them. Read about the experiences of Ajay and Sofia, two students who completed the process last year, to get tips on how to stay organized throughout the process.


Missed the September newsletter? Catch up here!

Laurie Geromini

Director of Placement and Admissions Coaching

Laurie brings thirty years of independent school admissions and placement experience to Test Innovators. She has served as Director of Admissions, Director of Financial Assistance, and Director of Secondary School Counseling in a variety of K-12 environments, including boarding and day schools.

Start preparing today!


Originally published on October 14, 2022. Updated on October 3, 2024.

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