Applying to Independent Schools: September Newsletter
Laurie Geromini2024-09-05T09:53:17-07:00Welcome back to school! I hope you had a wonderful summer and are ready for the new year.
September is in many ways the ‘grand opening’ of the admissions process to independent schools. Spring and summer are the time to ease into the process, but now is when things really get underway.
Here is your September to do list:
- Make interview appointments
- Register for two ISEE or SSAT test dates
- Attend open houses and other events
- Continue to learn about schools
- Keep a journal
- Complete preliminary applications
Read more below!
The admissions process is one that offers opportunities for growth, self-reflection, and celebration. I’ll be providing tools, resources, and guidance to help you navigate this exciting process.
– Laurie
Director of Placement and Admissions Coaching
September To Do List:
1. Make interview appointments
It’s best to do interviews between late-October and mid-November so that students have a few months of school under their belts. However, it’s important to schedule interviews now because appointments (especially the good slots) fill up quickly. You should aim to have all your interviews completed by mid-November if possible.
If your student will be missing school for interviews, make sure to communicate that with your student’s teachers so they can plan for any work missed ahead of time.
2. Register for two ISEE or SSAT test dates
If you haven’t already done so, be sure to register for two ISEE or SSAT test dates. Although you have the option to send your scores to schools during the registration process, we recommend waiting to send your scores until you decide which score report you’d like to send.
If your student needs accommodation(s), it is best to complete that process as soon as possible because you cannot register for the test until the accommodation(s) have been approved.
If your student is taking the ISEE, keep in mind that students can only take the ISEE once per testing season. The testing seasons are Fall (August-November), Winter (December-March), and Spring/Summer (April-July). Because applications are due in January or February, you’ll want to test once during the Fall season and again during the Winter season.
3. Continue to learn about schools
There are so many wonderful schools and a lot of information to sift through. Continue exploring school websites, reading student and leadership publications, and talking with current and past families.
4. Attend open houses and other events
There’s no better way to get to know a school than to get on campus. Open houses and other admissions events are a great opportunity to meet students, faculty, and staff, and to really get a sense of the school’s culture. Although these events aren’t required, many schools keep track of attendance, so it’s a good way to demonstrate your interest.
5. Keep a journal
As you may have gathered, the admissions process is long and involves many parts. Keeping a journal of your experiences (open houses, interviews, etc.) will help you when it comes time to make a decision in the spring.
6. Complete preliminary applications
Some schools have preliminary applications to help identify those who are serious about applying. Now is a good time to complete preliminary applications for schools you know you want to apply to, especially since some schools require you to do so before scheduling the interview. However, it’s still a bit early to work on actual applications—you’ll want a few more weeks of school under your belt before starting those.
Missed the August newsletter? Catch up here!

Laurie Geromini
Director of Placement and Admissions Coaching
Laurie brings thirty years of independent school admissions and placement experience to Test Innovators. She has served as Director of Admissions, Director of Financial Assistance, and Director of Secondary School Counseling in a variety of K-12 environments, including boarding and day schools.
Originally published on September 3, 2022. Updated on September 4, 2024.