Meet Sebastien

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Meet Sebastien

Meet Sebastien

We are excited to introduce Sebastien, one of our 2021 scholars. Through dedication and hard work, Sebastien increased his ISEE score by 82%!

In school, Sebastien loves learning about history and thinking about how the lessons of the past can inform our decisions today. He also enjoys “getting [his] brain working and solving problems” in math class.

Outside of school, Sebastien has a number of hobbies, including drawing and origami. He also plays baseball and soccer in local leagues and studies martial arts. He is a friendly person who enjoys meeting new people.



Sebastien did not get the score he wanted when he first took the ISEE, so he started preparing with Test Innovators. The Test Innovators platform helped him identify which areas needed improvement and recommend relevant practice exercises to help him focus and prepare more efficiently. Additionally, the video course taught Sebastien valuable strategies for each section of the test. By implementing these strategies and targeting his weaker areas, Sebastien was able to improve his score significantly.

Like many students, Sebastien encountered a number of new math concepts on the ISEE. For example, he had not yet learned how to graph on a coordinate plane. The resources on the Test Innovators platform helped him learn new material, which enabled him to answer more questions correctly on the test. Sebastien also feels prepared to tackle these new concepts when they come up in math class.


Advice for Students

Sebastien recommended that other students who are preparing for the test figure out what areas need improvement and then check out the Test Innovators resources that address these specific issues. He said, “Test Innovators has a lot of specific [material]” and will teach you “multiple techniques” to help with each section.


Test Innovators is Here to Help

Test Innovators is committed to helping students get into their top-choice schools. We help students prepare for the SSAT and ISEE, so that they can put their best foot forward on test day. Our online platform provides each student with the most impactful practice, teaching them test-taking skills and helping them build confidence.

Test Innovators also helps students and families prepare for other aspects of the admissions process to independent schools. Our online Admissions Prep course includes interactive videos and exercises to help families understand how schools evaluate prospective students, prepare for the student and parent interviews, and craft excellent essays.

Start preparing today!

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